Noise Sources for mmWave Noise Figure Testing
Demonstrate the NC5115A broadband noise module used with a spectrum analyzer, signal analyzer or VNA for Noise Figure measurement.
Test your mm Wave LNA and Amplifier for Noise Figure
Noisecom NC5100 mmWave Noise Module
Product Demo:
Demonstrate the NC5115A broadband noise module used with a spectrum analyzer, signal analyzer or VNA for Noise Figure measurement. Noise figure is a key performance parameter for any RF or millimeter wave component or system. As communication data rates and operating frequencies increase for 5G applications, systems are even more sensitive to signal-to-noise degradation on the communication links and the NC5000A to provide system designers high confidence that what is designed in the lab will be able to operate in the field.
Target Users:
Design engineers, production test engineers and system integrators that design test stations used for 4G/5G and mm Wave applications. Devices from low noise amplifiers, power amplifiers radar receivers, microwave receivers and active antennas testing for noise figure and noise factor. The noise factor, F, of a device is the ratio of the S/N ratio at the input to the S/N ratio at the output. And Noise Figure is defined as the noise factor in log terms. It’s basically a measure of the noise added by the device itself.
Test Set-up:

About NC5000 Modules:
The NC5000A Wave Guide Noise sources feature outstanding stability, Switching speed and ripple-free response over standard waveguide bands. The high stability of the NC5000A Seires is ideal for testing mmWave devices. Ripple in the output of noise sources has a direct effect on measurement accuracy, so Noisecom has tailored the response of the NC5000A Series so that ripple is minimized throughout the specified frequency range. The NC5000A covers the frequency range from 18 GHz to 110 GHz in standard waveguide bands WR42, WR28, WR22, WR15, WR12 and WR10.
Significant Features of NC5000 series:
The NC5000A covers the frequency range from 18 GHz to 110 GHz
Standard waveguide bands WR42, WR28, WR22, WR15, WR12 and WR10
Bandwidths up to 10 GHz.
ENR (dB) 13 to 25 depending on device
Custom solutions available for higher Power and Bandwidths
If there are additional requirements for your noise application, please contact the factory for more information about custom designs.
Determining Noise Factor and Noise Figure for mmWave Devices
Our set-up works using a NC5115A 50 to 75 GHz module with an ENR of 15.5 dB. In our example the spectrum analyzer is being used to perform noise figure measurement and supply the DC voltage to power the noise source. The noise source is first used without the DUT to calibrate the test system. To perform the noise figure measurement of the amplifier it is placed back into the circuit. The isolator and low noise amplifier in the set up are used to reduce measurement uncertainty by reducing reflected power between components in the test system by reducing noise figure of the test setup itself. The overall accuracy of the noise figure measurement will be primarily be determined by the accuracy of the noise source calibration.
Calculating Noise Factor and Noise Figure
- Noise factor, F, of a device is the ratio of the S/N ratio at the input to the S/N ratio at the output.

- Noise Figure is defined as the noise factor in log terms. It’s basically a measure of the noise added by the device itself.
- NF = 10 log10(F) dB
More Resources:
Visit Noisecom official website to find out more about Noisecom products, webinars, and application notes.