Noisecom JV9000 Demonstration
Demonstrate the effect of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) & CW interference ridingon Vcc by injecting AWGN and CW tones on DUT using JV9000 to the power supply voltage (Vcc) of DUT, a 555 timer clocking circuit, highlighting degradation in signal integrity due to degradation in power integrity.
Impact of Power Integrity on Signal Integrity
Impact of Noise and CW Spurs on Vcc onto Serial Data & Clock
Noisecom JV9000 Demonstration
Demonstrate the effect of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) & CW interference ridingon Vcc by injecting AWGN and CW tones on DUT using JV9000 to the power supply voltage (Vcc) of DUT, a 555 timer clocking circuit, highlighting degradation in signal integrity due to degradation in power integrity.
Target Users:
Power Integrity&Signal Integrity engineers as well as hardware, systems, test and validation engineers, characterizing and quantifying the performance of their IC or PCB circuit in the presence of noise and spurious signals on the Vcc.
Test Set-up:
About JV9000:
JV9000 combinesDC voltage at its input with internally generated AWGN and CW tonesto emulate effects of noise generated by various sources including ground bounce and interference from other adjacent circuits coupling on to the Vcc of an IC or circuit block. The noise and CW signal levels can be adjustable in 0.1 dB steps.
Significant Features of JV9000:
- Custom frequencies and power levels to support specific needs.
- Short circuit protection.
- 0.1 dB resolution in noise and CW injection.
Measuring effect of noise & CW tones on power supply of an IC:
DUT is a 555 timer circuit generating a clock signal. The supply voltage to the DUT is passed through JV9000 and effects of injecting broadband noise and CW tones at different frequencies are observed on an oscilloscope (Figure 2).
10KHz CW is added to VCC |
100KHz CW is added to VCC |
1 MHz CW is added to VCC |
Existing and Comparable Products:
Power & Signal Integrity: JV9000 integrates individual components of “home grown solutions” into a remote controllable instrument, making repeatable measurements easier and faster.
Signal Integrity: J9000 series jitter generator products inject AWGN to single ended or differential serial data signals up to 40 Gbps. The AWGN power level and frequency is customizable.